Media Center

PSP’s Marketing Department is responsible for all internal and external communications, which includes managing media relations. We encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter for updates about our airport.  

All media inquiries, as well as requests to film, stage live shots, or conduct interviews at the airport, should be directed to the marketing department. Media are typically approved to be in all public areas of the airport and must comply with all security procedures.

The airport’s media phone line and email are routinely monitored during regular business hours and in cases of emergency.

Airport Business Hours

Monday – Thursday from 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Closed Friday – Sunday & holidays

Media Contacts

Media Phone Line: (760) 318-3860

Media Email: [email protected]

For media inquiries, interviews, filming requests, or access to the airport premises, please contact [email protected] or call (760) 318-3860 during regular business hours, Monday to Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Inquiries outside regular business hours should be emailed to [email protected] and will receive a response on the next business day, or as soon as possible in an emergency.

Media members can request imagery and video for airport-related stories by contacting [email protected].

To be included on our press distribution list, media can email [email protected].

Although the airport is a public facility, for security reasons, media representatives should inform the media relations team in advance when planning to cover news events or conduct interviews at the airport. We request a minimum of 2 hours notice to notify law enforcement and operations teams.

Media representatives must display official press identification at all times, and all cameras must be clearly marked.

Media may conduct reporting, filming or photography within the public areas of the airport as long as they do not disrupt passenger flow or otherwise impede airport operations, tenants, or passengers. Accordingly, the airport reserves the right to restrict media activity anywhere on airport premises for security, safety, or operational reasons.

Media may access non-secure areas within airport terminals without escort, as long as it does not disrupt operations or public access. Failure to comply with these guidelines or causing a public impact, safety, or security risk will cause your project to be stopped.

  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may not be altered.
  • Intermittent traffic control is not allowed.
  • Lights, reflectors or other equipment must be handheld or on a tripod that does not impede the normal flow of pedestrians or other airport operations.
  • Power cables may not be placed along the ground.
  • Tripods cannot be placed within a roadway or block doors, escalators, or other conveyances.
  • Canopies or other tent covers, podiums and chairs are not allowed.

Access to restricted areas requires advance coordination and approval from airport staff, potentially involving security screening and an authorized escort. Use the contact information listed above in order to coordinate such access. Access to restricted areas may be denied without such advance coordination. Media may not use PSP’s Stay and Play Visitor Pass Program to access post-security areas.

Filming or photography post-security, on the airfield ramp, apron, taxiway, or runway will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Advance notification and approval are mandatory for such requests.

Media vehicles should park in designated areas along the orange curb in zone 5 within the commercial lane, with one vehicle per media organization permitted at any given time. Media vehicles must be clearly identified with news outlet branding on the vehicle or dashboard.

Once a member of the media arrives to the airport, ring the call box at the gate to the commercial lane and identify yourself to the control center as a member of the media, naming your news organization and the story you are covering.

Media access to leased areas, such as ticket counters, controlled by individual airlines or tenants requires prior approval from and permission of the respective leaseholders.

During adverse weather conditions or operational disruptions, media inquiries regarding flights, delays, or cancellations should be directed to the specific airlines involved.

Media must comply with all instructions of on-duty airport police officers, fire department personnel, and airport operational personnel. U.S. Customs and Border Protection must approve any filming within customs areas in advance. TSA Public Affairs must approve any filming of TSA checkpoints in advance.

During emergencies, PSP will coordinate with the media via email and social media to provide timely updates while ensuring airport security.

Updates concerning aircraft incidents or accidents will be released by relevant federal agencies after investigations, respecting passenger privacy and safety concerns.

This PSP Media Policy applies to “News Media,” as that term is defined below.

“News Media” means:

Those reporters, photographers or camera persons in the employ of a newspaper, news service or similar entity engaged in on-the-spot print media, publishing or broadcasting of news events concerning those persons, scenes or occurrences that are in the news and of general public interest; and/or those who are filming or video-taping for use in criminal investigations, civil proceedings, and emergencies such as fires, floods, police actions, etc.

The PSP marketing and communications team holds the authority, under the direction of the Executive Director of Aviation, to interpret and enforce this media policy.

If you are a member of the News Media, as that term is defined, this section does not apply to you, unless you fall into either of the two below exceptions:

(a) Magazines or documentary programs,

(b) Publications (newspapers, magazines, etc.) and filming companies (television, motion picture companies) producing films or still photography for the city’s benefit (publicity, advertising and tourism related purposes), but all fees shall be waived;

All others must obtain a commercial filming/photography permit prior to engaging in any filming or photography activity at the airport, unless another exception to the above referenced permit applies. The Palm Springs Municipal Code Chapter 5.76 discusses and imposes this requirement. Those who must obtain a commercial filming/photography permit may find additional information on this requirement through the following weblink:

Please write to the email listed above if you have questions.

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